MiCRoN: MIniature Co-operative RObots advancing towards the Nano-range

Initiated by: European Committee FET
Reference Name: IST-2001-33567
Period: 2002-2005
NTUA involved in the 3-year European FET Project: MiCRoN. I have contributed to the control architecture and implementation of the MiCRoN robots. More specifically we designed a control architecture that is composed by: (i) a high level simulation and autonomous execution unit that is capable for on-line multi robot navigation with collision avoidance properties, (ii) a trajectory tracking unit for manipulation purposes, and (iii) a low level position controller that performs position control exploiting machine learning algorithms. The entire architecture was implemented on a Linux platform using C++ object oriented development.
The project involved tight cooperation with research groups from the following European universities : (i) University of Karlsruhe (project leader), (ii) EPFL (Lausanne), (iii) SSSA (Pisa), (iv) Fraunhofer IBMT, (v) Sheffield Hallam University, (vi) University of Barcelona, (vii) Uppsala University.
More Information: Dr. Vartholomaios Personal Page