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Smart Piezomechanics
Room 104
Theofanis Plagianakos received his Diploma and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics of the University of Patras in 1999 and 2005, respectively. During his PhD Thesis (2000-2005) he developed finite elements for the prediction of the damped dynamic response of composite structures with piezoelectric components. He has worked in the areas of inflatable beams (2006-2008, EMPA CH), engineering design of railway bogies (2009-2011, PROSE Ltd CH) and impact on sandwich composite structures with piezoelectric transducers (Marie Curie IEF 2012-2014). He is currently working on piezoelectric energy harvesting and control. Account Linkedin: , Account Research Gate:

Journal Papers

  •  Margelis N, Plagianakos TS, Karydis-Karandreas P and Papadopoulos EG, 2021. Assessment of impact energy harvesting in composite beams with piezoelectric transducers. Sensors, 21(22).
  • Plagianakos TS, Margelis N, Leventakis N, Bolanakis G, Vartholomeos P and Papadopoulos EG, 2021. Finite element-based assessment of energy harvesting in composite beams with piezoelectric transducers. Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, in press.
  • Plagianakos TS, Lika K and Papadopoulos EG, 2016. Low-velocity impact response of smart sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric transducers: modeling and experiments. Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, 27(6), pp. 774-785.
  • Plagianakos TS and Papadopoulos EG, 2015. Coupled higher-order layerwise mechanics and finite element for cylindrical composite and sandwich shells with piezoelectric transducers. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 54, pp. 11-23.
  • Plagianakos TS and Papadopoulos EG, 2015. Higher-order 2-D/3-D layerwise mechanics and finite elements for composite and sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric layers. Aerospace Science and Technology, 40, pp. 150-163.
  • Plagianakos TS and Papadopoulos EG, 2014. Low-energy impact response of composite and sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric sensory layers. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(14), pp. 2713-2727.

Conference Papers

  • Kardarakos GC, Chrysochoidis NA, Varelis D, Margelis N, Leventakis N, Plagianakos TS, Bolanakis G, Saravanos DA and Papadopoulos EG, 2021. Computational and experimental efficiency investigation of nonlinear energy harvesting systems based on monostable and bistable piezoelectric beams. Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2021).
  • Kardarakos GC, Chrysochoidis NA, Varelis D, Saravanos DA, Plagianakos TS, Vartholomeos P, Leventakis N, Bolanakis G, Margelis N and Papadopoulos EG, 2021. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from composite beams in geometric nonlinear regime: Numerical and experimental approach. Proceedings Vol. 11588 Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XV – SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation 2021.
  • Plagianakos T, Margelis N, Leventakis N, Bolanakis G, Vartholomeos P and Papadopoulos E, 2020. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from a composite cantilever beam under sinusoidal excitation: Modeling and experimental verification. IEEE Sensors 2020 Conference, Rotterdam, NL, 26-28. 10.1109/SENSORS47125.2020.9278522
  • Plagianakos TS and Papadopoulos EG, 2014. Low-velocity global-local impact response of smart composite and sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric transducers. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2014), Montreal, CAN.
  • Plagianakos TS, Lika K and Papadopoulos EG, 2014. Low-velocity impact response of smart sandwich composite plates with piezoelectric transducers: modeling and experiment. 25th International Conference on Adaptive Structures Technologies (ICAST 2014), Den Haag, NL.