Evangelos Papadopoulos
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Heroon Polytechniou 9
15780 Zografou, Athens, GREECE
Phone: +(30) 210-772-1440
Phone: +(30) 210-772-1440
Fax: +(30) 210-772-1455
Email: egpapado@central.ntua.gr
Electrical Circuits and Systems
Electromechanical Power Conversion Systems
Modelling and Automatic Control of Systems
Mechatronics Systems (Postgraduate)
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Computers (96-97)
- Design of Micromechanical and Microrobotic Systems (Postgraduate, co-teaching) (Design of Micromechanical and Microrobotic Systems)
- Computer Systems for Automated Control and Robotics Applications (Postgraduate)
- Systems Optimization (Postgraduate)
- Robot Design and Construction (Postgraduate)
- Automatic Control Systems (Postgraduate)